
Get Paid To Draw Legit

Get Paid To Draw Can it really be this easy selling photos and drawings
If you're not a talented artist, how would you feel if you can still get paid to draw? Or if you are a promising artist or an amateur photographer, what would you do if you are offered the chance to sell your works for a reasonable price?

You can get paid for doing almost anything on the internet today from reviewing products to taking surveys, from blogging to watching videos, from clicking adds to searching on the internet. So why not get paid to draw!

I'm no artist so I was interested to see what this program had to offer and whether it's really possible to earn money this way.

The title above makes it sound very easy with suggestions of good money. As I know making money online is never this simple I'm already having doubts.  Anyway, let's have a look.

Product: Get Paid To DrawGet_Paid_To_Draw_Review_logo
Overall Ranking: 20 out of 100 or 1/5 stars
Price: $74 with downsells to $12
Owner: Jules Camber

What Is Get Paid To Draw?

This site teaches you how to earn money by selling your photos and drawings online. You are also given some lessons that teach you how to draw. The program has been around for at least 9 years and when they started it was probably much easier to earn money from selling photos or drawings than it is today.

Who's It For?

This is for anyone who enjoys taking photos or drawing and hopes to earn some money selling their works. If you have many good quality photos stored on your computer this could be a way to create an income, but this isn't an easy way to earn money.

What You Get

When you sign up and access the program you are hit with several upsells.

  • Upsell 1 $47 – get taught by an artist to reproduce 4 images that have earned over $40,000 and 20 other simple images that have earned over $100,000.
  • Upsell 2 $27 – learn how to hire artists for cheap to create drawings for you
  • Upsell 3 – This is actually a downsell. If you haven't purchased the Upsells 1 or 2 here you get both for just $19

After these 3 upsells you finally gain access to the program and what do you find? Surprise, surprise, they are promoting another program that has nothing to do with drawing. A program called Verified Trader by Simon Roper, which has all the hallmarks of being another binary options scam with software that is "reportedly" making people from $600 – $4000 per day.

Clearly, we can see that Get Paid To Draw has no interest in their customers by promoting such a blatant scam. In my opinion, any program that recommends you sign up for these type of scams cannot be trusted.

After all the upsells, you eventually reach the actual program, so let's see what's included.

1. 55-page ebook.

This gives some very basic information about:

    • How to make money drawing or taking photos
    • The different mediums of painting or drawing – pens, pencils, oil paints, watercolors, etc
    • What you need to get started
    • Learn how to draw – gives some information about some of the well-known artists and then you there is a link to the learn how to draw video tutorials
    • Learn how to take photos – some general info about photography with links to some free sites like WikiHow and sites with paid courses, for example, Learn To Take Photos.
    • Ways to make money drawing or taking photos. The same subject as in the first item on this list but in more detail
    • Building your online business – here they talk about building a website to promote your business, which sounds good. But then they spoil it by recommending their members to hire a consultant to build their site for them and talk about a cost of $1000. Perhaps this is because the program hasn't been updated recently but it is now very easy to build a great looking website quickly and very cheaply, even for free.

Coolhandle_websiteTo make things worse they also have a link for a free website from Coolhandle (worth $2500), having seen some of the complaints about this company this isn't recommended.

Coolhandle makes you a site with affiliate links with promises of search engine optimization, so you will get lots of traffic.

To a beginner, this may sound like a good deal, but the website won't make you any money. It probably has duplicate content so it won't be ranked. Then Coolhandle will charge you an over the top price for the hosting.

Make no mistake this is only a good deal for Coolhandle and perhaps Get Paid To Draw who might make an affiliate commission.

As I said previously, I found most of this information pretty basic and as with many programs you find on the internet, the information can be found elsewhere for free.

I suppose they could say they assemble all the information in one place which could save you time. However, if I was thinking of selling photos or drawings online I would first go to some of the specialist photo sites and read what they say on the subject. These sites are usually run by photographers who know the ins and outs of making money this way.

2. Learn how to draw tutorials

In this section, you get 16 videos that cover subjects such as:

  • An introduction to sketching and 3D drawing
  • How to draw manga
  • Drawing with pencils
  • How to do shading or inking
  • Drawing in perspective
  • How to draw faces
  • How to draw characters

For someone like me with very little drawing knowledge, these videos would teach me something and would help me to make some very elementary sketches. I quite enjoyed watching the videos. The question is, after watching these videos would you be able to make money selling your "masterpieces"? Personally, I don't think so.

If you are passionate about learning to draw there are some sites that offer free lessons online. Learning to draw is usually for pleasure and personal satisfaction. Most people who learn to draw have no intention of making money.

3. Art and drawing supplies

A page with links to Amazon for recommended art supplies, these are of course affiliate links for Get Paid To Draw to earn a little more money.

4. Submit your images

A simple list of 15 sites, like Shutterstock or iStockPhoto, where you can submit your photos or drawings.

5. An introduction to vectors

Five videos showing how to create things like cartoon bubbles, columns, decorative elements and t-shirt outlines with a software called Inkscape. They show you how much some of these designs have made just to whet your appetite. Then another list of images with the amount they have earned. More hype!

6.  Outsourcing

The last item included is some instruction on how to outsource jobs to find freelancers to do your artwork or graphic designs for you.

That's what you get for your money and I suppose if you pay $12 it's not too bad. The best part of the program for me was the drawing tutorials and the introduction to vectors. However, it is quite easy to find similar information online yourself for free or if you are really passionate about learning to draw there are also paid courses that are much more in depth.

The videos may give you some pointers about how to draw but not much about getting paid to draw.

Just for good measure at the bottom of the members area, there are a couple of other money making ideas to earn Get Paid To Draw more affiliate commissions. Don't be tempted to buy these programs.


How It Works

They teach to promote your photos or artwork via the stock photo sites giving you the idea that you will be able to make a decent income very easily, with their 3 steps. This reminds me of another program I reviewed a while ago Get Paid Taking Pictures.easy_as_123_create_upload_get_paid

You should be made aware that this market is very crowded. Get Paid To Draw has been around for a while, it was a lot easier to make money selling photos when they started several years ago.

Although the demand for photos is increasing so is the number of photographers selling images and the number of images available.

I read in an article from 2014 that Shutterstock had more than 35 million images in its collection. So will people find your images? It's a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack!

In addition, there are many sites offering royalty-free images, which means the prices are being forced down and the quality of photos free or paid is getting better and better. All this means that it is becoming more difficult to make money this way.

If you have a large number of good quality images on your hard drive you could give this a try. If your photos are accepted you have nothing to lose. Upload your images to several stock photo sites and perhaps you will create a residual income. However, don't count on $2000 a month as Get Paid To Draw would have you believe, a few dollars a month would be more realistic.

Unless you fancy the learning to draw tutorials, which are fun but just an insight into a few different aspects of drawing, you really won't learn much from this program.

Pros and Cons


  • You are given some information
  • Video tutorials might teach you something about drawing
  • 60-day guarantee


  • You are paying for information you can find free online
  • Hype – they make it seem very easy to make money this way
  • Upsells
  • Links to scams or low-quality programs gives the impression they are only interested in affiliate commissions

How Much Does It Cost?

Get Paid To Draw is advertised as $74. When you click to leave the site three times the price comes down to $37, $24 and finally $12. If you're interested in learning to draw you might find the videos teach you something. If not there is always the Clickbank 60 day guarantee. As I mentioned before there are upsells which you should avoid.

What Their Members Are Saying

I found a few members comments and the main complaint was that it's very hard to actually make any money selling photos or drawings. These comments date from a few years ago when it may have been slightly easier to make money this way than today.

Not everyone is unhappy with the program. I did find a couple of people who claimed to have made money, although a lot less than suggested on the sales page of Get Paid To Draw.


My Final Opinion

I wouldn't call Get Paid To Draw a complete scam but I don't recommend it. They do give you some information, but they give the impression that it's easy to make money this way. This isn't true, the stock photo market is very competitive and the stock photo sites want quality work and might reject any low-quality submissions.

The drawing tutorials are the best part of the program.  If you are interested in learning to draw you can find other more complete lessons online.

The worst part of the program is the upsells and the recommendations to other scams or inferior quality products. For this reason, alone I haven't any confidence in this program.

Although the price is only $12, with the downsells, if you're interested in learning to draw or selling artwork online use the search engines to find other alternatives with more honest and detailed information without the hype.

My Recommendation

Are you still looking for a way to earn some extra money online?

I understand with all the scams around it's very difficult to know where to start. To be successful you need to find a legitimate program that teaches you how to get started. I was lucky enough to find Wealthy Affiliate an online training program that teaches you how to build an affiliate marketing business.

You do not need to be talented like Michelangelo to be profitable, you just need to be able to write articles or reviews like this one. If you think this may interest you, you can try it for FREE (no credit card needed)

Are You Tired Of The Scams?

Read About My #1 Recommended Product

What do you think about Get Paid to Draw? Have you tried to earn money selling photos or drawings? Please share your experience in the comments below.

Thanks for reading

Get Paid To Draw Legit


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