
Features that Address your Pain Points

Our tools solve your problems whether your festival lasts one day or more; features music, art, or food; or has a local or a global audience. We can help you speed up and simplify your design, layout, and set up process.

EventMapStudio has an extensive set of tools in an intuitive web-based interface. Our rich feature set is the result of over 3 years of experience with festivals ranging from a few thousand attendees to over 180,000 attendees.

How do I draw this #$@!# map !

Every year I invest in creating a site plan for my outdoor event. It's an expensive, complex, and time consuming process. I used to hand-draw my maps, then I switched to Adobe Illustrator, now I outsource this to a CAD/CAM team which is expensive and makes it difficult to update in real time It never looks as good or is as accurate as me or my vendors need. It's also a pain to update every time we change the event layout, especially in the case of last minute changes.

Mapping Solutions

Use world class real maps for your event with EventMapStudio and leverage the accuracy, detail, and clarity of the same maps used by Audi and BMW to draw a layout of your event to scale. Worry no longer whether the road and transportation network around your map has changed since last year and skip the step of rebuilding the map to reflect those and other changes in the location you hold your event. Make your changes in real time using our intuitive festival layout software. Look at your location using different types of map, from satellite pictures, to street maps to get a clear understanding of the situation on the ground.

Location, Location, Location !

Every year I invest in creating a site plan for my street fair. It's an expensive, complex, and time consuming process. I need to provide my vendors with precise location information so they can set up the tents, portalets, fences, etc.. But do I really need to hire an expensive land suveyor to get all this location information or is there a music festival layout software that can help do this myself?

Geolocation Solutions

Use world class real maps for your site plan with EventMapStudio and leverage the accuracy, detail, and clarity of the same maps used by Audi and BMW. Each item you add to your street fair map automatically includes its precise geographic location (Longitude/Latitude) which you can print and share with your team. Your layout is to scale.

Which Tool Should I use?

Using paper, pencils, and color markers makes it easy to draw but is not practical to make updates or track all the information about each item in my layout. Same thing with my vector-based computer graphic tool. My CAD/CAM vendor can handle complex maps but each update costs a lot of money, and involves long delays. In every case I need to manage all the information in a separate software like Microsoft Excel.

WYSIWYG Intuitive Tool

Use our extensive built-in library of more than 70 event items ranging from food trucks, to fencing, and parking to build your event. Our library also includes persons such as safety personnel, event staff, and event volunteers.

Use our extensive set of tags to describe in detail the items on your map. Which tent sells vegan food? Where is the lost & found? Where is beer sold?.

Place, resize, color, label, tag, rotate, group, align, space, drag, hide, show, renumber, and duplicate, your map items at the click of your mouse.

What is on my Map?

I've built it, but now what? Where are the food vendors. Are the first aid medical stations well distributed? A complete map is often overwhelming, and makes information difficult to find, especially when you are talking about the detailed descriptions of items.

Reporting Solutions

Building your site plan is only half the story. You need to make sure that what you've built meets your needs. EventMapStudio generates detailed reports including lists of the items on your event event map and their descriptions. These reports can be used for management, request for proposals, or sanity checking your map.

My Map is Overwhelming

How many tents are there on the map? Where are the first aid medical stations. A complete map is often overwhelming. I wish I could just focus on one type of infrastructure, look at one slice of the map. My sanitation vendors want a map of all the items they have to deliver and where to install them, they do not care about all the other stuff.

Generate Infinite Variations Of Your Maps

Generate a "tent map" with all the tents and ONLY the tents, or a sanitation map, or a multitude of other customized event maps displaying only a subset of your entire event layout. Filter different subsets of items on your festival plan to better visualize your layout and make better decisions. You can also print these different maps, and share them with your partners. We also provide  3D visualization capability to navigate your event in 3D. This 3D capability does not require any expensive and time consuming modelling of your space.It is available out-of-the-box, with the entry levelMap Builder Basic plan.

How Can I Share my Maps?

I have to share this map with my partners, government agencies, vendors, and finally with my attendees. Including an event map in a phone app or on our web site is usually expensive, requires a long lead time, and ends up providing outdated information to the users.

Collaboration Solutions

Need to share you event map as an image? Export your map in JPG format.

Want to share your festival map with partners and vendors in real time? Create an account for your partner and share your event layout with them. Our pricing allows for an unlimited number of users. You control the sharing and who can edit, or just view your online map.

Want to share your map with the public? Generate an online, mobile-friendly interactive event map* the public can access to navigate your event. You control which items are visible on this public map, and any update can be seen by the audience in real time.

How Do I Get People To My Event?

According to Julie's Bicycle, a leading organization in the sustainability in the arts space, "Audience travel accounts for the  largest portion of the carbon footprint of any event or venue"1 . One of the hardest things is keeping track of transport solutions for an event. Changing bus pickup locations, new and removed bicycle stations, identifying transit close enough to your event to make sense to list on your map, it can be a complex and time consuming task.

Transportation Wizard

Our Transposrtation Wizard generates a list of all the mass-transit in the area of your event, and lets you choose which ones to include on your event map. Use the bus stops, train stations, and subway exits to help you strategically place your event's entrances and exits.

Reduce your event's carbon footprint by letting your audience know about what mass-transit options are available.

How Do Calculate Maximum Occupancy for Different Areas?

Large events have a multitude of stages, activity areas, and eating area where you need to manage the number of people.

Maximum Occupancy / Social Distancing Solutions

Draw zones on the map and automatically see the maximum occupancy based on the social distancing criteria you specify.

How Do I Encourage Sustainability?

Sustainability has become a primary area of concern for event organizers. I am also hearing from my attendees, partners, and vendors that this important to them, but I don't know where to begin, and can't easily grasp how green and sustainable my layout is? Can any festival software, or music festival sotware help?

Green & Sustainability Solutions

Making your music festival green and sustainable is a challenge, and it is something your attendees are looking for.

Use our interface to make sustainability-smart decisions concerning

  • energy use,
  • transportation,
  • water use,
  • food options, and
  • waste management.

The items and tags available in our software include sustainable options. Moreover, these options are clearly marked as such.

Evaluate how you are doing by generating our proprietary S ustainability Evaluation Report .

I Need To Manage Different Versions Of Maps

We have an iterative design process and we need to keep track of each stage of the design process. Sometimes we need to go back to a previous version of the map and make that version we want to work off of.

Versioning & Archiving Solutions

Yes – EventMapStudio can save different versions of your event map, and restore past versions.

Help – I Need Metric/Imperial Measurement!

Choose Your Unit of Measure

We can handle it! Decide if you want measurement displayed in metric or imperial. Your event is drawn to scale.

I Need An Interactive Map for the Attendees

As part of our event we ussually produce an interactive map the public can view on their phone. We map itself is custom produced so we have to get all the infomration about our layout way in advance to this company who creates an interactive map.The cost is bad enough, but what is worse is that last minute changes are not reflected in the map that is available in our web app. A few years ago we had to change the location of some vendor tents because of some flooding 2 days before the event. The maps people looked at during the event were innacurate.

Integrated Public Interactive Event Map*

Want to share your map with the public?  Want this map to be accurate, and even include last minute chnages to tyour layout? Generate an online, mobile-friendly interactive event map* the public can access directly from the same map you use to layout your event. Any last minute change in your layout is instantly reflected in the map attendees access.  You control which items are visible on this public map, and any update can be seen by the audience in real time..

I Need An Overlay For My Map

I often need to place an image overlay on top my real map. This can be anything, from the existing utility cabling, to an architectural drawing.

Overlay Solutions

Yup – we can do this! Place an image of your choice as an overlay on your real map. You can control the transparency of your overlay. Useful to place an architectural diagram or a utility diagram on top of your map to use as a guide. You can also create graphically-rich 3d-looking overlays in Icograms Designer to integrate in your event-goer responsive map.

* Available in the Premium version only.

1 Audience Travel Guide. Julie's Bicycle @  https://juliesbicycle.com/resource-audience-travel-guide-2015/