
How To Keep Mice Out Of Silverware Drawer

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    Stay calm! Easier said than done, right? Push your doctor to give you a response ASAP--I'd call and leave a message or send a text. Wash everything well and get some Hav-A-Hart traps. I would try to figure out where they got in and seal it up or hve a professional come take a look. What's done is done, so you just do damage control, now. In the meantime there are some heavy-duty sealing Rubbermaid tubs at Target if you want to move pantry stuff in there until you get the mice under control.

  • Going to be honest- I live in the Midwest and pretty much everyone has dealt with mice especially those of us who have lived in the country by farming land...
    When we find the mouse poop we clean it up, wash the dishes or whatnot they were on. Put traps or poison down and if we know where they come in seal it up... then we move on with our day and not make a big deal of it. For over 40 years this is how my mother and myself have dealt with it as well as pretty much everyone I have know...

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    Stay calm! Easier said than done, right? Push your doctor to give you …

    Thanks, the Rubbermaids are a good idea! I just called my doc and asked him if I should be worried and he said "nope." Lol. My husband is out buying the humane mouse traps now. I think they're coming in from a hole in the back of the stove? We've only found the droppings in the silverware drawer and pots/pans cupboard, so I guess that's good (except it's disgusting and our most utilized pantries). Blah.

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    Going to be honest- I live in the Midwest and pretty much everyone has…

    Good! This makes me feel more at ease.

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    I read this as moose poop lol. At least its not moose poop right? Haha

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    Also check the bottom drawer of your oven. Put some traps in there!

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    Screw the live traps (unless, you know, you're in ag and have to follow GAP). I say kill 'em. Kill 'em good! I accidentally brought in one or more with my Christmas decorations. Those assholes ate up my table linens making a nest. They're in the kitchen, the bathrooms, the walls!

    Finally got one of the suckers last night. I'm resetting that trap tonight. I highly recommend the TomKat reusable ones. So easy to set and dump and reset!

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    I was putting my daughter to bed when one ran past me a few weeks ago. Ugh. I'd probably die if they were in my cupboards. In 6 years in my house we've never had them until now... must be a bad year!

  • I live in the country surrounded by woods and fields. One has been in my truck now for over a month and couldn't get rid of him. He ended eating through one of my back seat belts, my mat in the back of my suv and worst of all caused over $400 in damages to the wires so I couldn't even start my truck. Screw trapping, I have mouse poised in there now and putting laundry sheets in to keep them away.

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    Not trying to sound gross but i think as long as your house isnt infested and you might see a poo eeeeever once in a while im sure its fine. However i do this wierd thing, if i ever open a canned food item i wash the outside and whipe it first bc mice will pee on top of can before the get shipped to grocery stores. But im sure youre fine girl 😉

  • How To Keep Mice Out Of Silverware Drawer


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